Why good posture?

There is an extremely important effect on having a good posture, aesthetically, physiologically and psychologically.
First and foremost, the look will dramatically improve when you straighten your back. You will look healthy and confident. You never see a super model on a runway with a slouched back because they want to look empowering and pleasing. When you are positioned in a proper manner, you have a better air flow and breath better. All the body parts, including your bones and muscles are connected. When you are conscious about everything being related to one and the other you would want all your connecting tissues to be aligned to a proper position. There is The Skeleton Dance (youtube) song that I used to teach to at the general education music class under a Japanese & English emersion program here in Los Angeles. This song reminds you that your body parts are all connected. Lastly, when you know what it feels right for you (and for your body), mental health will make a significant difference.

Ideally you want the tip of your head to spine are all alined in a straight line. However, if we do not take care of our body and pay attention to the small habits that we build up, it is extremely easy to loose the “ideal” look easily. It all comes from awareness.

An alarm that keeps you reminding its time to readjust your posture can be a great start. There seems to be a lot of good apps out there to improve your posture, seeing from a website below:

The Top 5 Apps That Help You Improve Your Posture (published: April 07, 2022)
1. Posture Pal
2. Posture Reminder
3. Text Neck - Posture Correction
4. Posture Correction Exercises - Perfect Posture
5. Perfect Posture & Healthy Back

What I like to incorporate for my good posture are some of the tools that I am rather forced to keep my correct alignment. Something that becomes a habit so that I won’t slouch, and eventually I am comfortable enough to stay in the ideal position as possible. I will be sharing more tools in my future blogs.


Looking back 8 years


Tokyo Concert